Santiago Arango-Piñeros



Office: MSC W431

arXiv papers, MathSciNet profile, GitHub.

I am a 5th year PhD candidate in the mathematics department at Emory University. My advisors are David Zureick-Brown and John Voight.

My research interests lie broadly in number theory and arithmetic geometry.

Activities (Fall 2024)

Published Articles

  1. Frobenius distributions of low dimensional abelian varieties over finite fields, with Deewang Bhamidipati and Soumya Sankar.
  2. (To appear at IMRN, arXiv 2306.02237, code)
  3. Mertens' theorem for Chebotarev sets, with Daniel Keliher and Chris Keyes.
  4. International Journal of Number Theory 18 (2022), no. 8, 1823-1842.
    (MR 4439576, arXiv 2103.14747)
  5. The global field Euler function, with Juan Diego Rojas.
  6. Research in the Mathematical Sciences 7 (2020), no. 3, Paper No. 19, 21 pp.
    (MR 4123394, arXiv 2005.04521)

Teaching and Mentoring