Santiago Arango-Piñeros
Office: MSC W431
I am a 5th year PhD candidate in
the mathematics department at
Emory University, in Atlanta.
My advisors are David Zureick-Brown
and John Voight.
My research interests lie broadly in number theory and arithmetic geometry.
Here are
my arXiv
papers, MathSciNet profile,
and GitHub profile.
Research Articles
- Counting 5-isogenies of elliptic curves over the
rationals, with Changho Han, Oana Padurariu, and Sun Woo Park.
(pdf, code)
- Bounds for the relative class number problem for
function fields, with María Chara, Asimina S. Hamakiotes,
Kiran S. Kedlaya, and Gustavo Rama.
(arXiv 2412.12467, code)
- Galois groups of low dimensional abelian varieties over finite
fields, with Sam Frengley and Sameera Vemulapalli.
arXiv 2412.03358,
In preparation
- Generalized Fermat equations and stacky curves, my PhD thesis.
Teaching and Mentoring
- Instructor of record for Math 111: Calculus 1, at Emory
University. (Fall 2022 and 2023)
- I was a Study Group Leader at the Arizona Winter School 2024.
- I was a Problem Set Leader at the
Preliminary Arizona
Winter School course on Abelian varieties over finite fields.
- TWOPLES directed reading program.
- Fall 2023: I mentored Sergio Maciel. We read about sheaf cohomology, mainly following Vakil's book and Hartshorne.
- Fall 2020: I mentored Leonardo Méndez and Camilo Martinez. We read about algebraic number theory, following Milne's notes.
- Here is
a note
that LATHISMS wrote about me for Hispanic Heritage Month.
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